Back Pain
Spinal pain can result from a variety of causes and result in different degrees of pain and restricted mobility.
Everyday muscles strains can result from things such as gardening, DIY, carrying children or chronic poor posture at work. These can cause a stiff and achy low back. Osteopathy can help restore function quickly and remove the pain.
More acute pains in the back with muscle spasm are more commonly associated with a trauma. With Osteopathic stretching techniques, sometimes joint re alignment and soft tissue massage, mobility can be quickly restored allowing the body’s tissues to repair resulting in less pain. Sometimes the application of ice and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs can also work well alongside Osteopathy.
Back Pain with Old Age
As we age the discs in our spine naturally dehydrate resulting in degenerative changes. The spine becomes stiff and achy. Though we cannot repair the disc damage Osteopathy can help to maintain the function you have and restore the maximum mobility possible, making those difficult bending tasks much easier and less uncomfortable.
This condition is irritation to the sciatic nerve. The longest nerve in the body runs from the lower part of the lumbar spine into the back of the legs right down its’ length under the foot to the big toe. Any compression of this nerve either by a bulging disc or a muscle in spasm can result in pain referring along the nerve. Osteopathic stretching techniques of the spine and muscles, reduces the compression thereby alleviating the pain.
Neck Pain and Headaches
Neck tension is common in the modern world, often associated with long periods of sitting looking at computer screens, or sometime a sudden wrong movement can cause muscle spasm. Tension headaches can be associated with neck pain. Osteopathy improves neck mobility and reduces tension.
There are several types of arthritis. The two main types are;
- Osteoarthritis: starts with the roughening of the cartilage and can progresses to more severe degeneration of the joint surfaces. Joints most commonly affected are knees hands hips and back. Osteopathic treatment can help maintain mobility and reduce the impact of the arthritis.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: is a type of inflammatory arthritis. It is known as an auto immune condition where the body’s own immune system can mistakenly attack its own healthy tissue such as your joints resulting in inflammation and joint damage. Symptoms can include joint pain, swelling, reduced mobility and general fatigue. It is important to have some blood tests and seek medical help to control this condition.
Hip and Knee Pain
There are a wide range of conditions associated with these joints from acute strains associated with sports or physical activities, to degenerative conditions later if life. Lifestyles such as excess weight, certain manual occupations and impact sports can all place these joints under increased stress. Osteopathic treatment can assist in maintaining the function of these joints in addition to advice on rehabilitation exercises.
Shoulder Joint Injuries
The shoulder joint is a synovial ball and socket joint which affords it a large range of mobility.
Shoulder instability: can result from inherently slack ligaments, or result from heavy manual work, or repetitive trauma such as throwing or impact sports injuries.
Frozen Shoulder: (Adhesive Capsulitis): These commonly manifest slowly over a long period of time, often with no history of trauma. There is marked reduction in mobility and pain due to adhesions forming. Recovery can take 6-18 months. Osteopathic stretching techniques and advice on rehabilitation exercises help to maintain and restore shoulder function. Anti-inflammatory and analgesics combined with ice therapy can also reduce the pain.
Rotator Cuff Injuries: There are a group of muscles and tendons that help stabilise the shoulder and aid movement. Injuries can result in tendonitis. Often there is reduced mobility with a painful arc of movement and some local tenderness at the front of the shoulder. Osteopathic techniques can improve the function. Sometimes I use ultra sound therapy to reduce the local inflammation.
Bursitis: These are fluid filled sacs that sit between the tendons and bone. With repetitive use or trauma these can become inflamed, resulting in reduced function and discomfort. Ultrasound and Osteopathic techniques to aid mobility can help restore function, if very acute an Orthopaedic referral maybe advised.
Osteoarthritis: Degeneration can result in reduced function. In the early stages Osteopathy can help with stretching treatments. In advanced cases referral for surgery may be considered.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: This is the space between the collar bone and first rib. Compression in this space can affect the nerves or blood vessels. Symptoms such as pain down the arm or neck, numbness, weakness or feeling of cold in the arms or hands may indicate a problem in this region. Osteopathy can help to reduce the compression, improve mobility and therefore reduce the symptoms.

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